About Me
I am a Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Mathematics at The Florida State University.
I work with David Kopriva on issues in spectral methods for partial differential equations.
I received my B.S. in Physics at The Florida State University in 2007, and my masters in Applied Mathematics at The Florida State University in 2010.
- Current: Spectral methods for partial differential equations.
- 2009-2010: For my masters topic I studied herd behavior in financial markets, working with Mike Mesterton-Gibbons.
- 2007: I worked with Max Gunzburger and Xiaoming Wang on modeling pollution transport in the Karst aquifer system.
- 2005-2007: I worked with Paul Eugenio on developing the Upstream Photon Veto, a detector for the GlueX project.
- 2005: I worked with Samuel Tabor on a signal decomposition algorithm for GRETINA.